Hi, I’m Jono.
Hi, I’m Jono. I’m an artist that’s currently living and working in Tucson, Arizona.
The first thing I remember wanting in life was an olive. Next, it was a dog. Then, supposedly, it was to go anywhere and everywhere, so much so that my parents had to put up a fence to keep me from wandering into traffic. It’s been 3 decades and that still says more about me than almost anything that I can think of.
In 2013, I received my BFA in Photography from The School of Visual Arts in New York City, about 12 miles from the tiny town in New Jersey where I grew up. I eventually made my way over to Portland, Oregon where I just finished up pursuing an MFA in Collaborative Design from The Pacific Northwest College of Art. These days, I find myself at home in the Southwest, where I’ve found myself in love with the desert.
When asked about my work, I’ve always said the same thing. My biggest concern is putting my feet where they belong when they belong there. As an artist, my work is fueled by a reverence for place and the physicality of presence. As a photographer, my images tell the story of an ongoing romance with the wild and my compulsion to find stories in the dirt. As a designer, I’m working to create a methodology that fuses design thinking with storytelling to investigate the complex narratives at the core of the American experience. I’m a true believer in not only the power of storytelling but also its duty to function within the human apparatus as a tool through which we can imagine a path forward, together, through the darkness.
Want to chat? I’d love to.