…a need

The last few months have brought with them their fair share of doubts and challenges as I find myself leaning into resistance and chasing down the unknown. This thing I’m doing out here in the desert feels like one of the most important things I’ve done but it can be hard to remember that from time to time. When I get asked about why I do the things I do, I often find it hard to articulate.

In truth, I just need to know.

I need to know how the sun moves through the world and how the world shows up for it.

I need to know how the water has carved its way through the earth and how differently it can taste from place to place.

I need to know how many different colors dirt can be and how it all feels between my toes.

Thanks to being human, I lose sight of it, this need of mine.

I get caught up in my head.

I get caught up in the state of the world.

I get caught up in my phone.

Of all that I have found to bring me back to myself, my favorite is the smallest of things. That tiny spark in someone’s eye, the slowing of breathe and the slight upturn at the corners of their mouth when they find themselves saturated with the magic of it all.

As an artist, there will never be a greater feeling than watching someone fall in love with dirt. When my time on this floating rock of ours is over, if all I’ve done is introduce just a few of the right people to the kind of wildness that moves their bones in the right direction, then I’ll go knowing that I did what I was here to do.

These days we’re living are strange ones. Find a few things that make you hungry to be alive and a few people worth sharing them with. You deserve to be treated to some wildness.


Sea Legs


Another year